
Ceiling lights



Wall lights



Bubble lights



Built-in lights


Plaster light cornice

Plaster light cornice


Stainless steel

Stainless steel lights


Art line

Art line


How and when to plan the lighting for your flat, house or garden?

How and when to plan the lighting for your flat, house or garden?

Step 1 – ECO-DESIGN helps you with lighting project – so far we are not talking about the type or design of light! The best timing for this part is before you start with the shell of the building. It is necessary to define the position of lights (wall, ceiling, pending, recessed,…). It is also important to decide wheather the lights will be dimmable and how they will be controlled.

Based on the mutual consultations about the lights positions and the way of their control (ideally in our showroom or via e-mail) a proposal of el. distribution can be made. An electrical firm can prepare and distribute the el. cables for lights and their control.

We offer solutions even for the complete or reconstructed buildings. We will help you to chose the appropriate lighting suitable for the already existing el. distribution.

Step 2 – ECO-DESIGN proposes design and type of the lights We will suggest the design of the lights refering to the type of your flat/house architecture with regard to your style. The lights must suit you! The types of light and their electronic equipment have to correspond to the character of the space, with respect to their adequate luminous intensity and energy output.

Step 3 – ECO-DESIGN prepares price offer for:

– the lighting-technical project with lights position. For free with prerequisite of the lights purchasing. Client pays a deposit deductible from final invoice.

– the light types – for free

How much does the family house lighting cost?

To get you an idea we would like to inform you about the expected price for a family house lighting. Our almost 20-years-long experience tells, that lights make ca. 3–5 % from total budget.

We provide 5-years-guarantee for lights produced by ECO-DESIGN, el. components and equipments are guaranteed guaranateed in compliance with the effective EU regulations.


1–1000 1–5
1001–4800 6–10
4801–7200 11–20
> 7200 > 30